Stephen Corry

My Name is Stephen. I currently use the "Rough Edges" services at St John's Anglican Church in Darlinghurst.

I am trying to help promote the Art show at Rough Edges on this month.

My early life was relatively tough but I have made goo on so many fronts with steady work and effort over a long period.

Rough Edges provide meals a few nights a week and a social group that lends itself to creativity allowing me to mix with persons in a helpful way. It is a place that promotes the social group that I don't need to have much money to attend. This Space helps me to further me arts practise.

Visual art, music and busking with both often open my life to positive feedback from others and they also help me to find my way properly. I mostly tune out to the negative comments especially when busking.

My ultimate goal is to be a successful good person against the odds with acknowledgement of meeting all of the smaller goals related to this.

There are so many persons I come into contact with that, it seems have the whole deck of cards stacked against themIf they were to recognise when an opportunity to progress quickly or easily comes to them. If they learn to take up these opportunities when they come along it could help them deliver for themselves, their families and the community. The practise of Visual Arts and music help persons to recognise these opportunities

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